题目描述 Problem A: Trains Trains are cool. You can get pre […]
1134: Problem E: Relatives
题目描述 Problem E: Relatives Given n, a positive integer, […]
1133: Problem D: Power Strings
题目描述 Problem D: Power Strings Given two strings a and b […]
1132: Problem C: Beavergnaw
题目描述 Problem C: Beavergnaw When chomping a tree the bea […]
1131: Problem B: Jogging Trails
题目描述 Problem B: Jogging Trails Gord is training for a m […]
1130: Problem A: Hay Points
题目描述 Problem A: Hay Points Each employee of a bureaucra […]
1129: Problem E: A Star not a Tree?
题目描述 Problem E: A Star not a Tree? Luke wants to upgrad […]
1128: Problem D: Forests
题目描述 Problem D: Forests If a tree falls in the forest, […]
1127: Problem C: Hardwood Species
题目描述 Problem C: Hardwood Species Hardwoods are the bota […]
1126: Problem B: Discrete Logging
题目描述 Problem B: Discrete Logging Given a prime P, 2 < […]